Harris Lamb has announced three key promotions within the business to reward the outstanding work of team members within its Building Consultancy, Business Rates and Lease Advisory departments.
Gareth Booker, of the business’ Building Consultancy department, has been made a Director, Rob Pinks of the Rating team is now an Associate, and Carolyn Quinn, of Harris Lamb’s Lease Advisory team, has been promoted to Senior Surveyor.

Patrick Downes , Director, said that all three had put in an outstanding performance for the company and that the promotions were well deserved.
“As with the majority of industries, the past three years have presented the property sector with one challenge after another, and no sooner had things begun to return to an even keel following the pandemic, we were presented with economic uncertainty and an escalating energy crisis, both of which have had an impact on clients across the board,” said Patrick.
“We have a strong history of bringing on staff and working with them to further their careers, and we have been impressed with how our team as a whole have adapted to these challenges, and proud of the way they’ve supported clients throughout. However, the efforts of Gareth, Rob and Carolyn have drawn much attention from clients, and we wanted to reward their diligence and dedication.
“Gareth has been with the business for 10 years this year, and has always demonstrated huge pride and attention to detail in the building projects in his charge. His task has not been made easier by the supply and demand challenges faced within the construction industry at present, but he has done an outstanding job managing clients’ expectations and ensuring instructions are completed on time and within budget, while remaining a mentor to his Building Consultancy colleagues.
“Rob joined Harris Lamb in 2016, and his commitment to the business in that time has been exemplary, providing first class business rates advice to clients, and later supporting them during the Covid pandemic as they sought mitigation and grant guidance for their properties during a period of ever-changing restrictions. With this year marking the first revaluation in seven years, Rob has worked tirelessly with clients to review their Rateable Values and guide them through the process.
“Carolyn joined us at the height of the pandemic in the summer of 2020 and immediately demonstrated great understanding of clients’ concerns during a time of unprecedented uncertainty. With unpredictable retail and office markets and a thriving industrial and warehouse sector, Carolyn has worked hard to provide up-to-date and strong professional advice on Lease Advisory matters in a fast-changing economy and market.
“All three team members are highly valued by their colleagues, and we are delighted to acknowledge their dedication to their roles and to reward the commitment they have demonstrated during their time with the business,” Patrick added.