Sellers have been instructed to let a warehouse with offices in Kingswinford.
The property on Ham Lane has been refurbished by the landlords to help meet the demand for industrial premises in the region.
Matthew Pearcey of Sellers explained: “Demand for good-quality industrial property throughout the Black Country has outstripped supply for some years now, and as a result, landlords are investing in refurbishing properties in prime locations to an ‘as new’ standard to capitalise on that requirement.

“This self-contained 21,300 sq ft building has two roller shutter doors and two-storey open plan offices, with ample car parking outside.
“It is located close to the junction with Stallings Lane, less than a mile away from Kingswinford town centre and offering convenient access to the motorway network via M5. It is also less than a quarter of a mile away from the popular Pensnett Trading Estate.
“The standard of refurbishment, teamed with its size and location, makes it an ideal premises for industrial occupiers looking for a central UK address with easy nationwide access, and we expect high levels of enquiries in the property,” he added.
Sellers was acquired by property consultancy Harris Lamb in October last year.
Rent is on application. Further details can be obtained from Matthew at